Susan Sarandon Reveals All Her Closely Held Secrets to Looking Flawless at 70!

Sep 27, 2021
Susan Sarandon Reveals All Her Closely Held Secrets to Looking Flawless at 70!

When you think of Susan, you think of her vibrant spirit, her beautiful red hair, and her amazing acting talent. When I think of her, all I can wonder is how the heck she looks that good at 70!!!

It seems this Hollywood A-Lister has stood the test of time (and gravity) all while taking a natural approach to aging. Instead of Botox and Face lifts, Sarandon has taken pride in herself aging gracefully. I mean, if I look like that at 70, I’ll be happy aging gracefully too!

She’s discussed aging in tons of interviews and it seems she always has a few staples to her anti-aging routine that she credits to her youthful and vibrant appearance. Here are a few of Susan’s favorite skin care tips!

Lifestyle Matters!

We all know it can be difficult to take the best care of ourselves when we live busy and hectic lives. Sometimes you just want to throw your feet up at the end of a long day and order a pizza and trust me, we’ve all been there. But Susan believes that how she treats her body and what she puts into is is as important as what she puts on it.

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“I’m doing my best to lead a healthy and balanced lifestyle, as much as possible,” she says. “Of course I’m not perfect but I try to eat well, and exercise to stay physically and mentally fit.” she says.

While that doesn’t mean you’ve got to go to extremes and cut out your favorite foods or activities, but just be conscious of how you’re treating your body for the results you’re looking for.

Moisturize! Moisturize! Moisturize!

As close to a secret as we will every get from this seemingly ageless beauty is hydration!

In a recent interview, Susan said “ My secret to beautiful skin is to moisturize regularly, get a good night’s sleep and repeat. I really emphasize these points because it’ll really rejuvenate the skin”

 rub to hard While she has never claimed to have an overnight miracle for her skincare, she attributes being religious about her moisturizing cream to aging gracefully and looking fabulous doing it!

When your face is properly moisturized, your wrinkles will appear less visible almost instantly but it’s the long term positive effects you don’t notice every day that is really helping keep your skin healthy for the long term and even prevent future wrinkles.

NOTE: If you are in need of a good moisturizer, you can try the South Beach Skin Lab – Repair and Release cream. Not only does it moisturize but it is chalk full of anti-aging peptides to produce even better results for your skin.

Be Careful of Sun Exposure

 claer skin Sun exposure isn’t just one of the top contributors to skin cancer, it is also one of the elements that can dry your skin and age you the fastest. From wrinkles to dark spots and pigmentation issues, there is no end to the amount of damage the sun can cause your face. That’s why you want to make sure that no matter what your skincare routine, it includes an SPF or sunscreen.

There are so many people worldwide who credit sun protection to their youthful looks and Susan is no exception! She was recently quoted talking about her skincare routine saying

“What I wouldn’t give to go back 30 years back and just tell me to be careful in the sun by wearing a good protection. I’m crazy about sunscreen [now] and I never leave home without it. I still see myself coating my children in it when they were little. With any luck they will thank me one day!” she adds.

Block the rays, and you block the wrinkles and age spots! Your skin won’t look young forever, of course. Researchers say skin starts chronologically aging around the age of 55 no matter what—but daily sunscreen can add a protective layer to your skin, which means your skin will look younger for longer.

What did you think of Sarandon’s anti-aging tips, comment below and tell us your favorite skin care tip!