These Are The Hottest Summer Trends You Can Test From Your Very Own Home

Sep 27, 2021
These Are The Hottest Summer Trends You Can Test From Your Very Own Home

Summer is probably the best time to try out new fashion, makeup and skincare trends as you’re likely to head out more when the days are bright and lively. However, constant exposure to the sun could have a detrimental effect on your skin, which makes protecting your skin from within and outside really important. In this article, we’ll focus on a few different aspects of makeup and skincare so that you can put your best and healthy self forward every time you step out.

Brighten Up Your Eyes

Invest in waterproof mascaras, eye pencils and eyeliners so that you don’t end up a live display of fading and smudging makeup. With rising temperatures and increasing body heat, you would invariably be wiping dirt and grime off your face rather frequently or reapplying eye products multiple times during the day. Waterproof eye products can withstand smears, runs and also the swimming pool.

clean skin Once you’ve taken care of the practicalities of eye makeup, it’s now time to focus on the aesthetics. Summer is all about fun and you must therefore take up a similar carefree approach with your eye makeup. Set aside the black shadow momentarily and wear warm tones instead. If you’re not sure about the hues and tones, take some inspiration from things around you and add reds, oranges and also pink to your routine color palette. Just pair a pink eye shadow with a prominent mascara so you can see a more dramatic contrast.

Au Naturale

Wearing no makeup is the best makeup for your skin in summer. It not just looks and feels light, but you also save yourselves some time you’d have otherwise spent on getting makeup done.

rub to hard But if the no makeup route is not an option, you can always wear minimal makeup. With minimal makeup, your skin is bound to feel light and not sticky and stuffy. Stick to the bare essentials such as a concealer (instead of a foundation) to camouflage your spots. Go for a tinted moisturizer for some sheer glow. Anti-sun products with SPF 30 or higher are a must.

A hydrating under-eye cream, balm or serum that lets your concealer to seamlessly blend in is recommended too. Make sure all the minimal makeup products you use are light and water-based. If your skin becomes or looks shiny, you can always use some oil-absorbing makeup powder to mellow things down a bit.


A facial mask is a great way to rejuvenate and brighten up your skin. Before you select the ingredients for your homemade mask, kindly note your skin is likely to be oily during summer due to the humidity. For a soothing and hydrating facial mask, your ingredients should be some warm honey (a tablespoon), egg yolk, and olive oil (a tablespoon). Blend them together well in a bowl until they attain a thick, creamy texture. Apply the mask on your face and neck and rinse off after 10 minutes with warm water.

clean skin Similarly, you can have masks made to address skin irritation, aging signs due to the skin’s constant exposure to the sun, free radicals, etc. The fruit-based anti-aging mask is perfect for loose, aging, and damaged skin needing a boost. The ingredients you’d need for the mask are peach, full fat yogurt (half a cup), and one egg white. Blend the ingredients, apply and leave it on your face for 20 minutes and rinse it off with warm water to reveal radiant, healthy and soft skin.

Skincare Supplements

Skincare supplements have been the rage for some time now. Nothing can beat the ease and simplicity of popping in a vitamin pill for radiant and healthy skin. If you’re considering skincare supplements to build a defense mechanism from within and battle the summer heat, consider vitamins that help brighten your skin.

Vitamins such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and vitamin A are vital. Also, trace elements like zinc are essential for collagen production, DNA repair and elastin synthesis. If you have digestion issues or your body is fully/marginally incapable of extracting the goodness of the food you ingest, consume some good bacteria in the form of probiotics.